
Czech cases and prepositions

Jdu I go
s Janem with Jan
na pivo for beer
do hospody to the pub

czech prepositions

The main Czech prepositions

Some prepositions have two forms: v and ve.
The second (vocalized) form is used for easy pronunciation:
ve Vídni (in Vienna), ve středu (on Wednesday).

always with Genitive

jdu do hospody I go to the pub
jdu do školy I go to school
jdu do parku I go to the park
jedu do Prahy I'm going to Prague
jedu do Česka I'm going to the Czech Republic

always with Locative

jsem v hospodě I am in the pub
jsem ve škole I am at school
jsem v parku I am in the park
jsem v Praze I am in Prague
jsem v Česku I am in the Czech Republic

An exception are the days of the week and the time (accusative):
v neděli on Sunday
ve středu on Wednesday
v jednu hodinu at one o'clock

The preposition na is used very often in Czech. Take a look at the examples:

with Accusative

jedu na týden na dovolenou i go on vacation for a week
prášek na praní detergent
jezdit na kole cycling

with accusative (WHERE?)

jdu na pivo, kávu I'm going for beer, coffee
jdu na metro, vlak I'm going to the subway, to the train
jdu na poštu I go to the post office
jedu na Slovensko I'm going to Slovakia

with Locative (WO?)

jsem na poště I am at the post office
jsem na Slovensku I'm in Slovakia

always with Genitive

jsem z USA I am from the USA
jsem z Austrálie I'm from Australia
to je ze skla It is made of glass

always with Genitive

bez mléka without milk
beze mne without me

always with Instrumental

mluvím s doktorem I'm talking to the doctor
čaj s rumem tea with rum
káva se šlehačkou coffee with whipped cream
se mnou with me

always with Accusative

to je pro doktora this is for the doctor

always with Dative

jdu k doktorovi I go to the doctor
jdu ke Karlovi I go to Charles

always with Genitive

jsem u doktora I am at the doctor

always with Genitive

od pátku do neděle from Friday to Sunday
to je dárek od Petra this is a gift from Petr

with Locative (about)

mluvím o doktorovi I'm talking about the doctor

sometimes with Accusative

o rok starší a year older

with Instrumental (Time)

před hodinou an hour ago
před rokem a year ago

with Accusative (Where I go?)

jdu před dům I'm going in front of the house

with Instrumental (Where I am?)

jsem před domem I'm in front of the house

with Accusative (Time)

za hodinu in an hour
za rok in a year

with Accusative (for)

děkuji za dárek thank you for the gift

mit Accusative (Where I go?)

jdu za dům I go behind the house

mit Instrumental (Where I am?)

jsem za domem I am behind the house

Czech Grammar

conjugation of Czech verbs

the most important Czech verbs

Czech cases and prepositions

plural in Czech

Czech numbers

date in Czech

time in Czech

Czech adjectives

Czech pronouns

Czech personal pronouns in all cases

Czech constuktion with aby

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